Visa Extension for Visitor Visas of Studying Chinese Purpose:

Students who hold a visitor visa for studying Chinese purpose usually have an initial stay period of only 60 days or 90 days, and the visa validity period starts from the day after arrival.
Before the visa validity expires, the visa can be extended in Taiwan.

1. If the initial validity period is 60 days:

(1)Please calculate the validity period of your visa from the day after arrival, and go to the MLC office 7-10 days before expiration to apply for documents:
●Certificate of enrollment
●Attendance Record

After getting the documents, please go to the Immigration Agency to apply for a visa extension.

(2)The Immigration agency will extend the visa based on the course dates and attendance status, and the maximum extension period will be up to 60 days.

(3)The visitor visa is valid for up to 180 days. Therefore, if you would like to continue studying after 180 days, you must apply for an alien residence certificate(ARC) before your visa expires.
Please refer to the ARC application process.

2. If the initial validity period is 90 days:

(1)Please calculate the validity period of your visa from the day after arrival, and go to the MLC office 7-10 days before expiration to apply for documents:
●Certificate of enrollment
●Attendance Record

After getting the documents, please go to the Immigration Agency to apply for a visa extension.

(2)The Immigration agency will extend the visa based on the course dates and attendance status, and the maximum extension period will be up to 90 days.

(3)The visitor visa is valid for up to 180 days. Therefore, if you would like to continue studying after 180 days, you must apply for an alien residence certificate(ARC) before your visa expires.
Please refer to the ARC application process.

Please note:
1. In order to obtain a longer period of stay, students are advised to evaluate whether they need to pay the tuition fees for the next semester before applying for documents.

2. The documents provided to the Immigration agency when extending the visitor visa must be the latest information. It is recommended that students come to the MLC office to apply for documents 1-2 days before extending the visa.

3. The attendance status will affect whether the visa can be successfully extended. MLC stipulates that students who hold a visa for studying Chinese purposes are not allowed to be absent (including tardiness) for more than 30 hours in a semester. Violators will be expelled from the next semester.
Relevant regulations of the Immigration Agency

4. Please complete the visa extension within the period of stay. If you overstay, you will be fined and you must leave Taiwan and apply for a new visa to enter. For details, please see the Immigration Agency website.


Certificate Application:

Document Certificate Of Enrollment Attendance Record
Application Method Please fill out the Online application form and pick it up on-site.
Price NTD 20 per copy
Time Required If the application is made before 10:00, the document will be available for pick up after 12:00.
If the application is made before 14:00, the document will be available for pick up after 16:00.
If the application is made after 14:00, the document will be available for pick up the next work day.