Q2 / What documents should be prepared for registration? |
Please see簽證頁。 |
Q3 / Can registration documents not in Chinese? |
We only accept Chinese or English documents.
For any other languages, please translate them to Chinese or English before submission. |
Q4 / Does registration documents require certification from Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs? |
Not required. |
Q5 / When do you need to register? |
Please see主修課程日期表。 |
Q6 / When will you receive your admission letter? |
If you have completed the online registration, MLC will notify you of your tuition dues within a week.
After you have paid your tuition and postage fees, we will send you the admission letter by mail. |
Q7 / Will you be denied admission? |
Unless the registration documents are incomplete, otherwise you will not be denied. |
Q8 / Can I only register for a short course? |
Yes, we offer intensive courses in Chinese between 2 to 10 weeks. You can choose your preferred number of weeks depending on your own situation. |
Q9 / What is the cost for a short course? |
Please see課程費用表。 |
Q10 / How to apply for short courses? |
Please see簽證頁。 |
Q11 / Are there any personal classes? |
Yes,please see個人班。 |
Q12 / Is the an age limit to register for intensive classes? |
If you require a student visa, you need to be at least a high school graduate to attend the intensive classes. If you do not require a student visa, anyone over the age of 16 can sign up. |
Q13 / Can 80-year-olds attend classes? |
Yes, but we recommend selecting personal classes since group classes move faster. |
簽證相關疑問 About Visa |
Q1 / How to apply for Visa to Taiwan? |
After receiving your admission letter, please go to your nearest Taiwan Foreign Affair office to apply.台灣駐各國代表處辦理簽證。 |
Q2 / What do you need to apply for Taiwan Visa? |
In addition to the admission letter, you need passport with at least 6 month of validity, two photos, airline tickets and other relevant documents. |
Q3 / How much is the visa fee? |
US $50 ~ US $160 (varies depending on your country). |
Q4 / Can I not apply for a student visa? |
Yes, but we still recommend you do. If your class is longer than 4 weeks, we highly recommend you to get a student visa so to avoid having to exit and reapply for a new visa. |
Q5 / Can I apply for student visa with Short-term classes? |
No, only students who registered for at least one semester can apply for a student visa. |
Q6 / Visa is only for 60 days, what do I do if it’s not long enough to complete a semester? |
Before the expiration date of the visa, please go to any Immigration office across the country to apply for an extension. If you live in Taipei, you can go to the Immigration office in Taipei City and so on.移民署,以此類推。 |
Q7 / How to apply for visa extension? |
Step one: Request for your certificate of attendance and attendance record directly from the Chinese Language Center Office.
Step2: Take the certificate and attendance record to the Immigration office to apply for visa extension.移民署申請加簽。 |
Q8 / What to do if your visa can not be extended? |
If your visa states "No extension," please take your admission letter and proof of attendance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan to change your visa type.外交部換簽證。 |
Q9 / When can I get a residence permit? |
Four months after studying in Taiwan, you can apply for a residence permit. |
保險疑問 About Safety |
Q1 / Does the school provide insurance? |
The school does provide accidental insurance, which costs NT$171 for three months (90 days) coverage of accidental and accidental medical insurance. Once you’ve obtained your residence permit for six months, you can join the National Health Insurance. |
Q2 / How to apply for insurance? |
-Accidental Insurance
Please pay the insurance fee together with the tuition and registration fee.
- National Health insurance
For National Health Insurance please go to the local township offices throughout the country to apply, then go to the Central Bureau of Health - Taipei Branch to apply for an IC card.
Monthly health insurance fee will be mailed to you which you can pay at a bank, post office or convenience store. |
Q3 / What are the insurance coverages? |
- Accidental Insurance
Accident and accident medical insurance: accidental claim of no more than NT$500,000 and accidental medical fee claim of no more than NT$50,000.
- National Health insurance
Covers all medical treatment and medicine expenses. Medical appointment fees are out of pocket. |
Q4 / Are you covered if you visit a doctor when you’re sick? |
Are you covered if you visit a doctor when you’re sick? National health insurance covers it, but accidental insurance does not. The Taiwanese government requires that foreigner better to join the national health insurance after getting a residence permit for six months, plus other types of insurance can not include medical treatment coverage. . |
Q5 / How to submit insurance claims? |
You have to pay all medical expenses to the hospital before you can get diagnosis and treatments with every hospital visit. Keep all your hospital receipts and send it to the insurance company for reimbursement. |
獎學金疑問 About Scholarship |
Q1 / Does MLC offer scholarships? |
我們目前有教育部的獎學金。有興趣申請的同學,請與台灣駐外代表處聯絡。 |
Q2 / 我是台灣獎學金學生,學校什麼時候可以給我入學通知書? |
請先依照新生入學申請流程繳交相關文件,審核通過後,學校會將入學通知書寄到您指定的地址。 |
上課地點 Class Location |
Q1 / 華語中心在哪裡? |
請見交通資訊。 |
Q2 / 坐捷運可以到學校嗎? |
(2)淡水線(北投線) —古亭站。4號出口出站,再轉乘公車(3、15、 18、 235號公車)至龍門國中站下車。
(3)信義線—大安森林公園站。5號出口出站,步行約10分鐘至建國南路口。 |
Q3 / 除了建國南路的教室外,可不可以在其他地方上課? |
如果是個人班,可以選擇在建國南路或是在忠孝東路的分部上課。 |
住宿問題 About Accommodation |
Q1 / 學校有宿舍嗎? |
沒有。學生多半在學校附近租屋。 |
Q2 / 學校有沒有推薦的住宿地點? |
請見住宿服務。 |
其他疑問 Others |
Q1 / 在台灣可不可以打工? |
持學生簽證在台灣打工是犯法的。念中文滿一年時,可以向勞委會申請工作許可。 |
Q2 / 可以在台灣的銀行存錢嗎? |
您的家人也可以從國外匯錢給你。 |