Student Accident Insurance

1. Currently, the MLC offers student accident insurance.
This plan includes medical care incurred from accidents. Every term at the MLC is 3 months. The cost of insurance is 148 NTD per term.

2. Each insured student can file insurance claim two times only. For the second claim, the student must provide student ID card, photocopy of the passport, residence permit (ARC), etc.

Please note, normal doctor's visits aren't covered through this plan.


Serial Number Item Description Comments
1 Insurance Fee 148 NTD for one 3-month term (90 days). Coverage starts from the first day of purchase.
2 Insurance Coverage
  • Accident insurance of 500,000 NTD.
  • Medical treatment of up to 50,000 per visit.
3 Filing Insurance Claims You need:
  • A receipt.
  • A record of diagnosis.
Every time you see the doctor you need to obtain these two documents. If you study for more than 8 months then you can apply for national health insurance that covers illness.